
??0571-82401171 / 18967181785



2018-08-21 00:00


The steel lined plastic tank has the advantages of no weld seam, no leakage, non-toxicity, anti-aging, anti-impact, anti-corrosion, long service life, and meeting the hygienic standards. Compared with the traditional steel lined plastic plate tank, steel lined rubber tank, steel lined FRP tank, it has better corrosion resistance, no leakage, no peeling, wear resistance, can withstand certain pressure, can withstand higher temperature, longer life and so on.
Maintenance cycle of steel lined plastic tank is divided into two kinds: intermediate repair and overhaul, intermediate repair is generally 2-4 months, overhaul is generally a year, for intermediate repair, is to clean or replace the level meter repair or replacement of import, export and sewage valve to clear the cooling water coil. Check and repair the relief valve, release the flame arrester, repair the anticorrosive coating and heat insulation layer. Major repairs include repairing tank internals in intermediate repair projects, and repairing or replacing barrel sections where cracks and serious corrosion are found. According to the internal and external inspection requirements, and after repairing or replacing the barrel section, carry out leak testing, and deal with other problems found in the successful internal and external inspection.

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